wth?! My last blog post was March! damn! can't believe I missed the whole month of april not blogging! Not even one time! Anyways! Update update update!?
Well for the past month and a half I've been working a lot of overtime and picking up hours on other clinics as well, I actually said yes to working in New Haven for every thursday of the month of April, which really was tough working 13hrs shifts and driving 50mins one way. Well Thank God that was over with because honestly i don't think i want to ever come back.
I've been hanging out with a couple of co workers the past weeks, eating out, our normal $5 tuesday movie night, pho night or whatever fast food we can think of. We also hang out on weekends too. Last March we had a Balut Night Challenge. I challenge one of my co workers to eat BALUT and he did! lol
Highlights of April was KIDNEY WALK, we actually encouraged our coworkers to join kidney walk, and compared last year a lot of people actually attended. We had a picnic after, and also a surprised BDay cake for Kateryna! (Icing fight happened)
I also started to try eating healthy, I bought a NutriBUllet (basically a blender) to help me out with my consumption of fruits and veggies but i wasn't able to really mix veggies with fruits every time i make one and i smell the spinach in it i want to puke. LOL I honestly rather eat it. :)
Anyway, ill try to keep up with my blogging especially now that i bought a new phone!!!!
I love apple but seriously they need to do something about upgrading their phones they need to catch up with new features and such. I don't upgrade often i really try to wait for something that will really amaze me, this phone actually is something worth it to have, ive been waiting for a phone that will do a lot more. PLUS i like how i have my SD card slot back as well as i can watch my pinoy movies with no issues (flash player).
Anyway follow me on instagram :) prettyrosedale