It's really difficult to be away from home especially when you need to deal with people whose trying to control everything.
A day after I got here my Aunt and cousin bought me some stuffs and a cellphone so that they can contact me or call me anytime. I was first staying at my aunt's friend, Auntie Purita. She's so nice to let me stay there. Then @ the mall, I finally got the chance to meet my half brother and he's also so nice. Then we went to the party of my Aunt's friend. I met a lot of people there and all of them know my brother and they keep on saying... "she looks like rodney".
I'm really happy to finally meet him. He's my closest connection to dad. He's really nice to me and i can feel that he's also happy to see me. He even invited us to go to their house yesterday and he cooked all of my favorite food. He was also asking me to stay with him and move in their house but I don't want to be a burden to him since I need to find a job soon and he will be obligated to bring me to work and of course fetch me.
So far, everything is still under my control... STILL. For now, someone is helping me to find a job in hospitals and I'm baby sitting my niece and nephew.