Today I went to my make up class, and it was fun! I mean the instructor is really nice and compared to the previous one I can see the effort she's making to help us understand the concepts that she's trying to show. She made me introduced myself and so I did, I was surprised to myself that I was able to stand up and actually talk in front without feeling nervous or what hahah... everybody was nice.
One thing I noticed with the class is they tend to question the question. I mean yeah if you know something might as well say something about it but these practice questions that they're showing us undergo a lot of research and instead of questioning the credibility why not just find the reason why the ANSWER is the ANSWER.
I guess my advantage was I started this slight review of mine months ago, where I experienced the same thing like I was wondering why that is the answer when it's not even connected hahaha NCLEX is really crazy and you really need to look deeply and understand the choices.
I know i don't have the right yet to advice about this NCLEX thing but to my fellow batchmates or nursing students who are planning to take the NCLEX, might as well start reading your books now, and I recommend that you read the KAPLAN STRATEGIES then SAUNDERS BOOKS. Perfect combination.
To those who just graduated and just took the board. Start applying for ur NCLEX now if you're planning to go here and don't take a break yet... ^_^