We went to iparty yesterday to pick up costume for this year's halloween. I think the first and last time i celebrated it was year 2008. Then been working the years after, last year i was in the philippines don't know exactly where i was probably getting drunk. This is i really took a day off the day after just in case i get drunk but i think the weather will not permit us to party + 12hrs shift for me. @_@
I pick this one coz i cant really pick anything skimpy for work, might as well be a undead nurse lol i i just have to wear my scrub white pants under.

After halloween shopping of course we went home, i was just feeling tired, lazy and had a major headache. PMS attack full blast! Arghhhh. So i went to take 2hrs nap. Which didn't help at all coz i woke up still having a headache.
I didn't even cook anything for dinner, ill just bring some left overs for tom.
Anyway i think ill just lay in bed and get comfy, this weather suckss! Bigtime.
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