I know i already sAid thanks to all the people who helped us with the voting even tho they didn't count the votes anymore. All the people helped us with the voting made our video noticeable by having so many votes. We actually moved on and accepted the fact that we're not going to win since the other clinics were voting non stop and theres no way i could bother more people lol.
Anyway, they ended up changing the rules, that made us just let it go, they extended the voting for 2 more weeks. It sucks because since the beginning we were the one on top and really tried hard to gather votes. It came to the point that when i wake up thats the first thing i check, and i sent constant messages and reminders to my friends on facebook that i felt i was really annoying them. Lol
Anyway we finally got the result and didn't really expect it. we were happy tho lol we are one of the 5 clinics that won 10k worth of clinic renovation and there are 6 clinics that won 5k. Very generous company to give away that much for originally having only one clinic to win.
They probably didn't expect this. Contest to be big and a lot participated and also a lot of people had fun doing this.
I just hope i don't go through another voting experience lol
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