Oh my i was sooo tired yesterday that i wasn't able to blog, i guess i can skip a day ? I even fell asleep on the couch thats how tired i was, i was forced to do 12hrs shift since i had an incident at work, never celebrate 5 mins before u punch out bec something might happen!! Lol i was about to go home when one of my pt's access bled inside her car with her caregiver and husband, they were about to drive home when the caregiver called me and i had to run outside and check her, oh my! This poor little old lady bled like crazy it was blood all over so i put pressure and tried to grab her out the car to go inside the clinic and ofcourse even this old lady was so tiny she got some weight and have difficultly ambulating so we carried her out the car to go inside the clinic put pressure, saline bag and mann let me tell you, i showered with blood thank God i was still on my lab gown facemask but i didnt get to save my crocs and the lower part of my pants i look like i got shot, anyway in the end she was fine but had to go to ER for evaluation, thanks to old scrub suit we had i was able to change her clothes and my pants too! :) it was a crazy end of my day thanks for the help of my co workers.
After i got home we went to grab dinner at boston market since gemoy is craving chicken, i had bagels on my way home from work bec i was starving and can't wait anymore, i need something or ill pass out while driving, then after that we played modern warfare and we didnt even realize it was snowing outside!!! It was soooo pretty, it's my first snow fall this year :)
Today is my day off nothing special just watched one tree hill the whole day then brought dinner for bheb at work, and i had fast food too for dinner.
I made fried rice tho for tom :)

Tell me it looks good! Lol
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