Well research says it takes 21 days to form a habit, that means 21 days of waking up early, 21 days of going to gym, 21 days of drinking 2liters of water a day and so on and so forth whatever habit you want to make.
At the beginning of the year i talked about blogging everyday and i don't think i made it to the 21st day lol straight without missing a day, it's only march and i almost missed the whole month without blogging at all, and ive been doing fun stuffs lately which i didn't even talked about here...
It's like it's more easier and quicker to upload pictures that actually go through all the little details of the day. I just feel like it's nice to go back to some days where you ask yourself "where did my weekend go?" or how well did my month of february went? Something like that, i want to try harder but i'm just plain lazy, i think that one i mastered as a habit lol
Anyway ive been doing lots of fun stuffs for the past week,
Mar2: Ate maryann's surprise bday cake,
wall of fame activity at work
Mar4: went grocery shopping at adong then after that we went to try out pinkberry's yogurt <3 then when we got home, played mw3 with bunch of filipino! Super fun!
Mar7: bheb bought me a big teddy bear <3
Mar9: dinner at Texas roadhouse
Then mar10: we went to foxwoods with ate ta her husband, sis nd bro in law and me love, so much fun! Tho i lost $40 playing slot machines hmmmpp but it was all worthi it coz we watched the jokoy's show, he's a half filipino comedian, very funny And i we all enjoyed his show worth every buck,! Best part? Kuya joe bought us tickets, how cool is that?
then Mar11 flight to texas for davita university! Such a fun company trip i can say i am definitely lucky to work in such a great company!
Then mar17 went out to bbc to see kyle before he leaves to go to cali...
So far my month is great, been working extra hours to make up for expenses lol
Til then :) ill update this blog with pics <3
-Don’t ever regret anything, because at one point it was exactly what you wanted.